There are many reasons why someone would want to do a tarot card reading. It’s one of the most unique ways of using the cards and each deck will be different. Many people wonder what to expect from a tarot card reading so we’ll cover all the bases here.

The purpose of tarot is to serve and guide you

A knowledgeable Tarot reader can respond to your inquiries in a timely and thorough manner. No name or birthdate is required, and no magic is employed. If you ask questions, the cards will indicate the direction your life is taking and, if you’re open to it, how you might change it. Optimistic language is used. Expect to be surprised and entertained throughout your first reading.

Tarot readings are best-performed face-to-face, one-on-one, and in a peaceful setting. Some readers are available via phone, Skype, or email; others are not. A human Tarot reader is familiar with a variety of card spreads and which could best answer your question.

Each reading is unique, and they are all confidential. You are the center of attention—the reader refers to you as the Seeker. Although readings concerning other people’s problems should be done independently, the reading may reveal the people who are important in your life.

The vibrant card graphics, which are loaded with both old and contemporary symbolism, make the tarot a lot of fun and mysterious. Symbols have a powerful emotional impact.

The most widely used deck is the 78-card “Rider-Waite,” a British creation from 1909. It’s extremely straightforward. Another well-known deck is the Marseilles deck. The “Motherpeace” deck, which has round rather than rectangular cards, and the “Hello Kitty” Tarot deck are two examples of novelty decks. Any of them will work; your reader just knows and likes the deck he or she is using.

Some readers ask their clients to shuffle the cards. Others request that their customers cut the cards. Your reader’s aptitude for card interpretation is the most important and useful aspect of the reading.

Tarot cards encourage you to reflect on your life. You’ll experience a sense of having just completed therapy.

How long does a tarot reading last?

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There may be a long wait for Tarot readings at gatherings or New Age/psychic fairs, so sessions must be brief—perhaps five minutes. The recommended amount of time for a satisfying 10-card (commonly known as “Celtic”) reading is 15 to 20 minutes to allow for any clarifications or queries you may have.

Be honest while making the necessary questions. A trustworthy Tarot reader would never divulge anything you mentioned. It’s not rare for people to get emotional while reading.

Tarot readers find that the four main topics that Seekers inquire about are love, health, family, and money. If you don’t have a question, the reader might inquire about it or offer suggestions for how to phrase one. Or the reader might not make any inquiries, trusting the cards to reveal your problems. Both categories of readers are valid. They read cards, not minds. 

Clear questions are met with clear answers.

Questions that are clear and meaningful, such as “What will happen if I resign from my job and start a business?” or “What will happen in my love life in the coming six months?” obtain clear and meaningful replies.

You can merely ask what next year looks like for you if you don’t have a particular issue in mind. The response will be more precise the shorter the time frame is (for predictions, we suggest a limit of two years).

A story about your past, present, immediate future, and the anticipated outcome will be revealed by the final card in the sequence when the Tarot cards are dealt and arranged in a pattern of three, six, or ten.

Asking the cards to tell you “your fate” is inappropriate since the Tarot and the concept of “fate”—the idea that our futures are predetermined—are incompatible. Tarot exists to assist you in navigating and reshaping your own future, and Tarot firmly thinks you are capable of doing so.

Tarot isn’t a game, thus asking it questions like “Tell me the name of my grandfather” or “Will I win the lottery?” ” is inappropriate. The lottery question always has the response “No.”

However, asking the cards for advice on how to manage your money could yield useful recommendations. The Tarot reader won’t speculate about the name of your grandfather because they read cards, not brains. And you are already familiar with his name.

Is Tarot reading terrifying?

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You came for the truth, right? So you might not like what the cards reveal: perhaps your cash cow is drying up, the past is still in control of you, or you won’t win the competition. The cards could also indicate that you are closer than you believe to success or fulfillment.

Many new Seekers are frightened, however, Tarot readers are just regular folks who have studied how to read Tarot cards to help others. It is a service industry. Looking for a trustworthy Tarot reader? Make inquiries. People you know will be able to provide you with the greatest referrals.

The cards outline where your current circumstance is headed and how to get around it. A thorough Tarot reading offers suggestions for overcoming any challenges. If you’re open to it, their advice could be as straightforward as changing your perspective or letting go of unwarranted anxiety.

You always have the power to determine your future. You should be informed and empowered by the reading. If the cards indicated that “this isn’t the right time to act,” that is not a command. It offers ideas for consideration.

Tarot reading won’t help if you sought one because you are profoundly depressed or the victim of abuse. Your Tarot reader will refer you to social services or legal enforcement.

On rare occasions, the cards will pass over the Seeker’s inquiry and concentrate on another aspect of life. Cards that indicate financial difficulties may be shown to a Seeker who is incredibly anxious to find out when she will get married.

That is their way of expressing that the Seeker’s present top focus should be financial matters. That’s what the cards say, not what the reader thinks. Tarot wishes to help everyone in living their greatest possible life.

Good Tarot readers are always in demand, so when your spread has been interpreted and the allotted time has passed, kindly let your reader go. Did you find the reading to be enjoyable? Ask for one of the professional Tarot readers’ business cards.


Having a tarot card reading done can be a fun and exciting experience, but you should never treat it as a magic eight-ball-type scenario. The cards are not going to tell you what you want to hear; rather, they are more likely to show you the truth about your situation.

Book a Tarot card reading in Phoenix today with Sherry Reuss. With the help of our tarot readings, you’ll receive direction, clarity, and a deeper comprehension of the opportunities and difficulties that lie ahead.